Dr. Namunga holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Curriculum Development from Moi University; Masters in Curriculum Development from Nairobi University; and a Bachelor of Education (ARTS) honors, from Nairobi University; specializing in Geography and History. His working experience spans for 26 years, 21years as a Secondary School Teacher and 5 years as a University Lecturer. He teaches Special Methods of teaching History and Government; Special Methods of Teaching Geography; Curriculum Development; Educational Media and Resources; Media Practicals and Micro teaching.. His research interests include Curriculum Development; History and Geography; Teaching Methods Language and Educational Media and Resources. He has published the following peer reviewed journal articles; and presented papers in academic conferences as documented below:


Written the following
articles in refereed journals:

  1. Nick W. Namunga & Ruth N. Otunga.
    Teacher education as a driver for sustainable development in Kenya in International journal of Humanities and social sciences Vol.2 No.5 March 2012(ISSN 2220 – 8488/ISSN 2221 –
  2. William B. Wanjala & Nick W. Namunga.
    Age and patterns of use in the contact of Lubukusu and Lutachoni in the International Journal of Innovative Research and DevelopmentVol. 6 Issue 2. Feb 2017(ISSN 2278 – 0211)
  3. Nick W. Namunga. Effects of Supervision of Instructional Practices on Teaching and Learning in Secondary Schools in Kenya in the International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications Vol. 7 Issue 2 Feb 2017(ISSN 2250 – 3153).
  4. Nick W. Namunga. International Journal of Innovative research and development: Effects of free primary education on pupils’ participation in primary schools in Kenya Vol. 6 Issue 2 Feb 2017  (ISSN 2278 – 0211)
  5. Nick W. Namunga & William B. wanjala. Assessment of the effect of provision and management of resources on teaching and learning in secondary schools in Bungoma County, Kenya in International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced StudiesVol. 4 Issue 2, Feb 2017(ISSN 2394 – 4404)
  6. Nick W. Namunga. The relationship between teacher and student motivation and the quality of teaching and learning in secondary schools in International Journal of Scientific and Research publicationsVol. 7  Issue 2 Feb 2017 (ISSN 2250 – 3153)
  7. Nick W. Namunga. Impact of the Management of school community relationship on students’ academic performance in International Journal of Scientific and Research publications Vol. 7 Issue 3 March 2017(ISSN 2250 – 3153)
  8. Nick W. Namunga. Impact of principals’ communication skills on students’ academic performance in Kenya in International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced StudiesVol. 4 Issue 2 Feb 2017(ISSN 2394 – 4404)
  9. Tom M. Wawire & Nick W.  Namunga. Effects of literacy in Kenyan sign language on academic performance of pupils with hearing impairment in primary schools in Kenya in International Journal of Humanities and social service vol. 7 issue 5 May 2019(ISSN 2321 – 9203)
  10. Tom M. Wawire & Nick M. Namunga. Influence of pupils interpretation of Kenyan sign language on academic performance of pupils with hearing impairment in public primary schools in
    Kenya. in international Journal of innovative research and development Vol. 8 issues 6 June 2019.(ISSN 2278 – 0211)
  11. Ochieng B. Adhiambo, Nick W. Namunga & Richard O. Ongowo. Factors influencing academic performance of learners with visual impairment in inclusive primary schools in Uriri sub county, Migori County, Kenya. International Journal of humanities & social studies. Volume1X issue 2. February.2021.(ISSN2321 – 9203)
  12. Riwa Norah A, Nick W. Namunga & Stella Juma. Factors influencing academic performance of learners with visual impairment integrated in public primary schools in Rongo Sub- county, Migori
    county Kenya. International Journal of humanities and social studies(ISSN 2321-9203)

the following conferences:

  1. Presented
    a paper at the Seventh Annual International Conference between 6th
    to 10th September 2011,Moi University.
  2. Presented
    a paper at Rongo University International Multidisciplinary Research Conference
    6th -9th March 2018
  3. presented
    a paper at Rongo University International Multidisciplinary Research Conference
    12th-16th  August

Professional Association

of American Association of International Researchers