Dr. Jane Kembo
Dean, School of Education
Dean, School of Education,
Rongo University,
P.O. Box 103-40404, RONGO
Email: dean-education@rongovarsity.ac.ke
Dr. Jane Kembo B. Ed. (Hons) UoN, M.Ed. (UoN) Language education and Curriculum Development, PhD in Linguistics. Dr Kembo teaches Language education to students of applied linguistics. In addition, she teaches research methodology, sociolinguistics, second language reading and the teaching of second language reading and writing. Currently, her areas of interest include the use of short texts for developing the four skills of English as a Second Language, in addition to the use of Mother Tongue to teach in school. Areas of research interest include but are not limited to the above. Her areas of research interest also include teacher preparation and development, and materials for teaching language used for instruction. She is currently the Acting Dean, School of Education and a representative of the School in the Board.