Dr. Alfred Otara
HOD, Educational Management & Foundation
E-MAIL: aotara@rongovarsity.ac.ke
TEL: +254717413852
Dr. Alfred Otara holds a Doctorate in Organizational Development in School Administration from CEBU Doctors University, Master of Arts in Education and a Bachelors in Applied Art
- Previously worked as secondary school teacher and Principal, Adjunct Lecturer at Kenya Polytechnic, University of Eastern African Baraton, Lecturer at Arusha University, Senior lecturer and administrator at the University of Rwanda
- Did consultancy work on recruitment for the workforce Development Authority (WDA) Rwanda 2011
- Served in the national Fulbright selection committee for the Rwandan Junior Staff Development Enhancement programs at the embassy of the United States of America Kigali. 6thJune 2012
- Conducted a training on Curriculum, Material Design and Development to Lecturers of higher learning institutions in Rwanda 20 January to 22nd June 2012
- Appointed member of a Working committee on the review, Development and Consolidation of Academic related policies, Regulations and Procedures of Kigali Institute of Education 2012
- Member of a task force on the review, development and consolidation of Academic related policies, regulations and procedures KIE MARCH 2013
- Conducted a training on Curriculum, Material Design and Development to Lecturers of higher learning institutions in Institut Polytechnique De Byumba Rwanda march 2013
- Internal examiner for the Masters of Social Sciences in Gender and Development Theses
- Appointed as a member of a special task force for the development of the TTC national examination procedural manual march 2013in Rwanda
- Appointed member of a task force for the Development of The School of Inclusive Education in Rwanda29th August 2013
- Project director of the women leadership program; a global initiative funded by USAID and jointly implemented by UCLA and UR. June 2012-June 2015
- Coordinator of VVOB project on training of Head teachers in leadership under LOPE program 550 000UROs. 2014-2016
Research interest
Education administration and organizational development
Professional Affiliation
Member: Kenya Association of Educational Administration and Management
Member: Rwanda National commission for UNESCO (2013 -2014)
Member: Editorial Board of Rwanda Journal of Education
Member: Council for the development of social science research in Africa (CODESRIA)
Member: OSSREA
Otara, A., &Omolo, H. (2021). School organizational factors as predictors of student achievement: Principals’ perspective. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies, 3 (1), 24-36
Otara, A. (2020). Organizational instructional interventions in bridging skills gap in education. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 6(4), 588-598
Alabu, P. F., Kembo, J., &Otara, A. (2020). Influence of Principals’ Conflict Management Techniques on Teacher Job Satisfaction in Selected Secondary Schools in Uriri and Nyatike Sub Counties Kenya. East African Journal of Education Studies 2(1), 8-17
Otara, A. (2020). Pursuing the change path in universities through transformative leadership. Journal of Research & Method in Education, 10(3), 36-42
Alabu, F. P., kembo, J., &Otara, A. (2020). Sources of conflicts in selected secondary schools in Uriri and Nyatike Sub-Counties, Kenya. International Journal of Research in Education Humanities and Commerce, 1(3), 116-138
Omolo, H. O, Otara, A., Atieno, K. B. (2020).School environmental factors influencing academic performance in secondary schools. International Journal of Novel Research in Education and Learning, 7(3), 35-45
Niyivuga, B. Otara, A., & Tuyishime, D. (2019). Monitoring and evaluation practices and academic staff motivation: implications in higher education within Rwandan context. SAGE Open. DOI: 10.1177/2158244019829564
Otara, T. Uworwabayeho, A. Nzabalirwa, W., & Kayisenge, B. (2019).From ambition to practice: An analysis of teachers’ attitude towards learner- centered pedagogy in public primary schools in Rwanda. SAGE Open. DOI: 10.1177/2158244018823467
Otara, A., & Uwanyigira, F. (2018). Administrative strategies in mitigating middle level students discipline in Public secondary schools in Rwanda. Journal of education and practice 9(21), 1-13
Ntahomvukiye, C. Otara, A. Tusiime, M. Sengarama, R., & Karasira, C.(2017). Closing the gap: Analytical study on leadership and demonstrated competencies among primary school head teachers in Rwanda. Rwanda Journal of Education.4 (1), 22-33.
Tusiime, M., Otara, A, Kaleeba, A, Kaviira, A., & Tsinda, A (2017). Gender differences in enrollment and graduation rates in private and public learning higher institutions in Rwanda. Rwanda Journal series B, 4(1), 5-32.
Otara, A., & Tuyishime, D. (2017). Leadership styles and job satisfaction: a reflective experience of secondary school teachers in Rwanda. The international journal of development dialogue. 2(1),1-33
Otara, A., & Niyirora, A. (2016). Educational inputs: A defining factor in planning for quality secondary education in Rwanda. International journal of development and sustainability. 5(3), 120-136
Otara, A. (2015).Internal Quality Assurance in Higher Education from Instructors Perspectives in Rwanda; aMirage or Reality. Journal of Education and human development. 4(2), 168-174
Otara, A. (2014).The Academic Dean and the Challenges of Meeting Changing Expectations within a Competitive Higher Education Environment in Africa. Journal of Higher Education in Africa, 12(1), 133-150 ISSN 0851-7762
Otara, A. (2014). Rethinking University education: A navigation in the emerging knowledge economy in Africa. Journal of Education & Human Development. 1(1), 25-38. ISSN: 2334-296X (Print), 2334-2978 (Online)
Otara, A. (2014). Student’s perception on education internship program in Rwanda: Effectiveness and challenges. Asian Journal of Education and e-learning. 2(4) pp.295-302
Otara, A., Tukababwa, D., Sengarama, R. & Kaleeba, A. (2013). A book chapter: Women responsiveness towards medical insurance in rural Rwanda: The case of Mutuelle De Santé In Prah Mansah(Eds), Insights into Gender Equity, Equality and power relations in Sub- Sahara Africa(pp.279-300). Addis Ababa: OSSREA
Otara, A. (2012). Innovation: A strategy for survival of educational organizations. American international journal of contemporary research. 2(9), 171-178
Otara, A. (2012).The future of education and its challenges in Africa. International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. 2(9), 151-156
Otara, A. (2011). Perception; a guide for leaders and managers. Journal of management and strategy. 2(3)21-