Name: Dr. Berther Kute
Position/designation: Lecturer
CONTACTS: Phone 0722436093/ 0738426997
Academic qualification:
Doctor of Philosophy (Educational Management and Policy)
Work Experience: High
School teacher, 16 years; Lecturer, 9 years
Professional Affiliation:
Educational Management Society of Kenya; Gender Network for Universities in
Africa (GENUA)
RESEARCH INTEREST: Institutional management issues; safety, gender, adaptive management practices, and health and Health promotion
RESEARCH: Factors influencing of effectiveness of ICT use in School
Administration in public Secondary Schools in Rongo Sub- County
- Kute, B., &Simatwa, E. M. W. (2018) Contribution of teacher knowledge tomanagement of student safety in emergency incidents in public secondary schoolsin Kenya: Acase study of Kisumu CountyInternational Journal of Current Research Vol. 10, Issue, 07, pp.71479-71495.
- Kute, B., Simatwa, E. M. W. & Odera, F.Y. (2018). Contribution of teacher attitude to management of student safety in emergency incidents in public
secondary schools in Kenya: Acase study of Kisumu County. Journal of Current Research, Vol. 10(07), pp.71496-71509. - Odhiambo, R.A.&Kute, A.B. (2016). Use of financial guidelines by head teachers in management of Free Primary Education funds in Rachuonyo District, Kenya. Sky Journal of Educational Research,Vol. 4(4), pp.060 – 065.
- Otieno,H.O., Kute, B.A.&Yambo, O.J.M. (2016). Effects of Financial Budgeting in the Management of Public Secondary Schools in Uriri, Migori Sub-County, Kenya. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, Vol. 4 (2), 2016. ISSN 20 – 5852. ISSN 2309 – 9240.
- Kute, B. (2015).The Influence of Peer Counsellors’ activities on student discipline in Public Secondary schools in Kisumu Municipality. African Journal of Education, Science and Technology, Vol.2, (2). ISSN 2309- 9240.
- Kute, B. (2014). Teachers’ Views about the Role of Peer Counsellors in enhancing student discipline in Kisumu municipality, Kenya. Research Journal in Organizational Psychology and Educational Studies, Vol.3, pp. 209- 214. ISSN 2276- 8475.
- Kute, B. (2014). An Assessment of Students’ Attitudes towards Peer Counsellors in Student Discipline in Secondary Schools in Kisumu Municipality, Kenya. Journal of Education and Practice,Vol. 5 No. 22, 2014 pp. 6- 10. ISSN 2222- 288X.
- Kute, B (2010). Utilization of Eco-sanitation in Kisumu, Kenya: Household Experiences. LAP Publishing