Name: Dorcas A. Ojera
Position: Lecturer
Contact: Tel +254 713453677
Undergraduate: Bachelors of Education Kenyatta University
Maters of Education Maseno University
PhD on Education Policy and Management [ongoing, Tom Mboya University]
2011 to date Lecturer Rongo University
1988-2011 Teacher with Teachers Service Commission
1984-1985 Worked as Untrained Teacher
- Dorcas A. Ojera, DR E.M.W. Simatwa & PROFT.M.O. Ayodo (2012) Perception of students and staff on determinants of performance in science laboratory technology in institutes of technology in Southern Nyanza Region, Kenya, International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, vol 1 no 4
- Dorcas A. ojera ,DR. E.M.W.Simatwa,& PROF T.M.O.Ayodo (2013) influence of science Laboratory facility and the student entry grade on performance of students in science laboratory technology in institutes of technology in south Nyanza Kenya. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences November 2013 vol3, No. 11.
- Dorcas A. Ojera & Dr. Yambo. J (2014) Role of Principals’ Instructional Leadership Style In Facilitating Learning Materials and Co-Ordination of Personnel on Students’ Performance International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention ISSN (Online): 2319 – 7722, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 7714 Volume 3 Issue 3 ǁ March. 2014ǁ PP.51-55
- Dorcas A. Ojera (2016) Impact of Teacher Qualification on Pupils’ Academic Achievement in Kenya Certificate of Primary Education in Public Primary Schools of Migori County, Kenya. World Journal of Education Research. Vol3, No 7. Pp1-20.E-ISSN 2334-3173.
- Dorcas A. Ojera (2016) Impact of Financial Management in Migori County Public Primary Schools on Pupils Academic Achievement in Kenya Certificate of Primary Education. World Journal of Education Research. Vol3, No 8. Pp 1-19.E-ISSN 2334-3176
- Dorcas A. Ojera (2021) Impact of workshop utilization on trainees skill acquisition in engineering courses in TVET institutions in the Lake Victoria Region of Kenya .Journal of Humanities and social sciences.(IOSR-JHSS)2021-07
- Dorcas A. Ojera (2021) impact of Principals Instructional Leadership Practices on trainees skill acquisition in engineering courses in TVET institutions-Lake Victoria Region, Kenya. Journal of research methods in education(IOSR-JRME) volume 11 issue 4 pp-25-29
Education Administration and Management